The Scenic Acres Community Association Board is considering signing a letter in opposition to the proposed upcoming blanket up-zoning. Before we move forward, we want to hear the communities opinion on the matter. Please read the letter included below and inform us of how you feel we should proceed.


2 thoughts on “Blanket Upzoning Multi-Community Letter

  1. We support sending the letter opposing the re-zoning.
    We reviewed the City of Calgary’s mail out rezoning package and are outrage with the lack of planning for such a significant change.
    We currently have a house on our street with a basement suite that’s an ongoing concern. If houses like these are allowed to install a basement and a backyard suite without on property parking, it will become more stressful. Can the entire neighbourhood be allowed to be developed in this matter? Where are the constraints.

  2. I agree whole heartily with the letter provided. The city with their proposed change to the zoning policy is not the way to go. Their re zoning policy would take existing communities and change it to all a community which would generate all kinds of problems. To name a few , Parking issues, a break down of an established community spirit, issues with providing education to children K through to 12.

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