LEAF = Landscape Enhancement and Appreciation Fund

The LEAF program in Scenic Acres is a City of Calgary Enhanced Landscape Maintenance (ELM)  program.

It is a community-led, volunteer initiative that is managed and administered by the Scenic Acres LEAF Committee. The Committee reports to the Scenic Acres Community Association (SACA) Board. 

The extra landscaping and maintenance on public lands are paid for by the community through a Special Tax Levy for every Scenic Acres residence. 

The Special Tax Levy supplements the Operating Grant from Parks Calgary, which is the amount they would spend on the standard level of service.

The Scenic Acres LEAF Committee plans, contracts, and manages all services to care for our community’s public green spaces. 

What we do:

The following duties and associated costs are covered by the LEAF program:

·         Mowing and trimming of grass areas including sports fields.

·         Litter control (loose litter clean up, not garbage can clean up).

·         Curb sweeping / spring cleanup / fall cleanup.

·         Development of garden beds

·         Purchase, installation and care of seasonal flowers and winter displays.

·         Tree well and shrub bed maintenance.

·         Watering/irrigation (additional cost to LEAF).

o   May include additional grass or tree watering.

o   Watering may be restricted by the City.

·         Day-to-day program and budget management

What we don’t do:

The following are NOT covered by the LEAF program:

·         Tree planting and maintenance. 

o   All public trees are the property of the City of Calgary and are maintained by Urban Forestry

o   Direct any concerns to 311.

·         Spraying of parks for weeds.

o   The City maintains strict control over spraying.

·         Infrastructure enhancement or maintenance.

o   Such as community entrance signage, fences, pathways,
transit buildings/shelters, and playgrounds.

·         Snow clearing of sidewalks in winter.


LEAF Reaffirmation:


The LEAF program must be reaffirmed every 5 years by community property owners at an in-person vote. 

Results of two reaffirmations have shown strong support from those voting:

       2018 – 147 voted with 92% reaffirming

       2023 – 287 voted with 90% reaffirming

 Questions regarding the Scenic Acres LEAF program are welcome 👍

Comments and ideas from SACA residents are valued and appreciated 👍

New volunteers are always welcome and encouraged to join the Committee 👍

Contact the LEAF Committee at leaf@scenicacresca.ca.


· The purchase of 38 planters for year-round displays of flowers in the summer and greenery in the winter.

· The development of 23 in-ground flower beds, including

      • At the main entrance to Scenic Acres
      • At the Gazebo.
      • On Scenic Acres Link median that include
        boulders, shrubs and grasses.
      • At “The Fort” (park area west of the tennis
        courts) that includes a riverbed of mulch and stone
  • Concrete block edging on flower beds.
  • Shrub bed maintenance.


gazebo image
Gazebo Project
fort project 2
Fort Project
Scenic Acres Link