Crowchild Twin Arena

Contact Information: 403-239-0171

General Manager’s Spring 2017 Message: Government Grants are very important to the successful operation of the Arena. We were very fortunate to receive funding from the Province of Alberta, and the City of Calgary for Capital improvements to the building.

Another grant we were fortunate to receive is the Amateur Sport Grant. This grant is obtained through The Calgary Parks Foundation in conjunction with Calgary Flames, and the Saddledome Foundation. They graciously granted our facility $25,000 to put towards a new Olympia (ice resurfacer). The new Olympia is to arrive in May.

Spring has arrived but we remain open for rent. We do have limited ice available. Please contact the arena at 403-239-0171 or check our website at for availability.

A wide range of Public Skating times are offered throughout the spring and summer for a $1.00 charge. The times can be found on our website, or contact us by phone or email.

The Crowchild Hockey School has been operating for 30 years. This year the School runs August 14 – 18 and August 21 – 25. We have plenty of room August 14 – 18 for children aged 5 – 10. August 21 – 25 is full. Please contact us for further information. The school is offered at a very reasonable price of $135.

We look forward to seeing you at the rink!

History: The Crowchild Twin Arena is a not-for-profit private arena operated by the Crowchild Twin Arena Association, which is made up of 2 representative of the three governing Community Associations (CAs) of Varsity, Silver Springs and Scenic Acres.  SACA’s representatives are Bob Fong and John Palazeti.  In return for the financial investment made by the three CAs all participants in programs run out of the facility must have a valid CA membership for their area, and must pay a $20 user fee.

Last updated May 17, 2017

