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SACA Casino

Thanks to all of our Volunteers who helped on July 10 and 11, 2022.

SACA is a not-for-profit under the Alberta Societies Act. All revenue is generated through Fundraising, Grants, Sponsorships, Membership Dues, Program and Rental Income. Our largest single fundraiser is our Casino Fundraiser which occurs approximately every 18 months. Without the revenue generated by our participation in this fundraiser SACA would be challenged to continue to operate our community facilities and provide our current offering of services, programs and events. We’re looking for volunteers (must be 18+) to participate in our next Casino Fundraiser on Sunday March 29, 2020 and Monday March 30, 2020 at the Elbow River Casino. We’re looking to fill the following volunteer positions (positions with a ~ require a Casino Worker Application Form to be completed):
* General Manager/Alternate General Manager ~: 4 positions 11:00am to 7:30pm and 7:00pm to 3:30am
* Banker ~: 4 positions 11:00am to 7:30pm and 7:00pm to 3:30am
* Cashier ~: 8 positions 11:00am to 7:30pm and 7:00pm to 3:30am
* Chip Runner: 8 positions 11:00am to 7:30pm and 7:00pm to 3:30am
* Count Room Supervisor ~: 2 positions 11:00pm to 3:30am
* Count Room Staff: 12 positions 11:00pm to 3:30am
* Spares: 6 on-call positions 11:00am to 7:30pm, 7:00pm to 3:30am and 11:00pm to 3:30am All volunteers will receive one complementary meal in addition to soft drinks/snacks at the Casino during or prior to their volunteer shift. Please note we have Casino Advisors who provides hands on training and instruction to all volunteers. To learn more about the specific volunteers roles please visit: http://aglc.ca/casino/volunteerrequirements.asp To indicate your interest in volunteering please e-mail scenicvolunteers@shaw.ca. Last updated Novemer 16, 2018